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33 Positive phrases for everyday conversations

25 Other ways to say ‘I don’t know’
In this episode, I will be helping you with conversational phrases. We will learn other ways to say ‘I don’t know’.

20 How to ask for help
You need to learn how to ask for help in English first, before anything else. Agree? This is the structure you will use most of all. And your main task: to be polite and friendly – only this way you…

16 How to ask for recommendations

Why not Improve English Speaking with ‘Figure Out English’?
Podcasts are now a big deal in language learning, and it is quite easy to understand why. We develop our basic confidence in the language through listening. If we can understand what people around us say, we start talking to…

09 Ways to say you like something
<<Subscribe on iTunes>> <<Support us>> Today I am talking about the structures we use a lot in everyday conversations: how to say that you like something and how much you like it (they are also called preferences). There is a…